Marketing & PR services
for travel industry
in the Czech and Slovak travel markets ?
• organization of press conferences, 
firm presentations, workshops
(full service)
• translation of your leaflets and
brochures to the Czech language
• direct mailing to the key managers
of Czech travel industry
• coordination of your travel fair participations
(exhibition booths & activities)
• marketing strategies
(advertisement in travel media, PR works)
World Trend activities and references
- complete organization of press conferences, firm presentations, B2B workshops, consumer shows
- publicity through all-nation printed media and public
lectures on travelling (since 1986)
- extensive and regularly updated travel industry databases and travel photobank
- editorial works for travel industry periodicals Tourism Courier, Czech Travel News,
COT Business, HW/HE Newsletter and specialized issues (since 1991) - international PR, business issues and coordination of accompanying programme of two key travel fairs in Czechia – MADI Travel Market and Holiday World (1995-2008)
- editorial works for tourist guidebooks (incl. Lonely Planet)
- representation of association PATA in the Czechia and Slovakia (since 1999)
- specialized guide services for package tours of cultural journeys of several Czech tour operators to Asia
- lectures on Marketing & Management in Tourism at the University of Finance and Administration, Prague
- expertise texts: articles on marketing, university textbooks, conference contributions
- organizing and lecturing Erasmus+ mobility projects